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Monday, March 21, 2016

English Grade 8: Lesson 3 Overcoming Challenges


Myanmar Literature
 Myanmar has a long history of literature. The earliest extant of Burmese literature is the Myazedi inscription. It narrates about the great Buddha by a prince and the gift of slave villages to the image, ending with a prayer to the donor and his friends. Over a thousand dedicatory inscriptions, containing eloquent poems and prayers, were created that time.

 In the fifteenth up to the nineteenth century, palm-leaf (with stylus) and folded paper became common. Such writings were filled with Buddhist piety and courtly refinement of the language. The authors were monks, educated courtiers, and court poets. Prose works were few during that period, mostly about Buddhist scriptures and chronicles of kings. Poetry was varied, historical ballads, panegyric odes, story verses and nature/love poems. Writers used the “mixed style” of writing by combining prose and poetry together.

 With the founding of the University of Rangoon in 1920, came a significant increase in Myanmar literature.

 Activity 7:
 Find the main idea of the topic.
·         Main Idea
o   Development and history of Myanmar literature.
·         Details
o   Earliest extant of Myanmar literature.
o   Authors and history of the scriptures.
o   Rise and development of literature.
Activity 8:
·         Inevitable
o   Unavoidable
·         Fleeting
o   Short time
·         Transitory
o   Temporary
·         Utilitarian
o   Useful
·         Amass
o   Gather
·         Insatiable
o   Desire
·         Exploit
o   Utilize
·         Rampant
o   Violent

An idiom is a word or phrase which means something different from its literal meaning. Idioms are common phrases or terms whose meaning are not real, but can be understood by their popular use.

Because idioms can mean something different from what the words mean it is difficult for someone not very good at speaking the language to use them properly. Some idioms are only used by some groups of people or at certain times. The idiom shape up or ship out, which is like saying improve your behavior or leave if you don't, might be said by an employer or supervisor to an employee, but not to other people.

Idioms are not the same thing as slang. Idioms are made of normal words that have a special meaning known by almost everyone. Slang is usually special words that are known only by a particular group of people.
To learn a language a person needs to learn the words in that language, and how and when to use them. But people also need to learn idioms separately because certain words together or at certain times can have different meanings. In order to understand an idiom, one sometimes needs to know the culture the idiom comes from.

A better understanding of an idiom is that it is a phrase whose meaning cannot be understood from the dictionary definitions of each word taken separately.


Activity 15: Odds on Ads
Ads are used by celebrities to perform social functions and maintain popularity. These are no different in Burma. In a media-influenced society, advertisements provide celebrities with a short term financial reward and an opportunity to promote their status.

Though some actors have used their fame to voice criticism against junta policies, most see advertising in practical terms of maintaining a career. Many live near the relatively small Yangon CBD, in some of the few middle class (by Burmese standards) suburbs, where they may find it difficult to maintain anonymity. It is not uncommon see singers and actors in the street, during social encounters or even whilst they are shooting a new TV commercial.

The popularity of celebrities in Burma, in this sense, gives their patronage an extra sense of familiarity in advertising work. 

Activity 16: Propaganda
Propaganda is a publicity to promote a product or idea. In order to spread propaganda, various techniques are used.
·         Bandwagon
o   This technique involves encouraging people to think or act in some way simply because other people are doing so.
·         Association
o   This technique involves making a claim that one should act or think in a certain way because of the high social status associated with the action or thought.
·         Repetition
o   Repeats a product’s name and information many times to the ad.
·         Emotional Words
o   Makes the target audience feel connected to the product.

Adjectives and Compliments
An adjective complement is a clause or phrase that modifies an adjective or adds to the meaning of the adjective. It is a noun clause or a prepositional phrase.

A noun clause is simply two or more words that act like a noun. It can be the subject of a sentence, an object of a verb or preposition, or they can complement a subject or adjective. It contains a subject and a verb and since it takes the place of a noun, it is a dependent clause and cannot stand alone as a sentence. 


Activity 19:  Speak up, let’s talk about it
·         Opinion Signal Words
o   Opinion is a statement that presents an idea with little or no evidence. In order to identify an opinion, various signal words are used.
§  may
§  ought
§  could
§  might
§  possibly
§  sometimes
§  often
§  I think
§  it is believed
§  usually
§  seem (s)
§  probably
§  many people believe
§  everyone
§  no one
§  everybody
§  always

Activity 20: First Impression
Modernity in Burma has improved lifestyle, culture, and tradition. Because of modernity, the traditional cultures and traditions were preserved and prospered to the next generation.

Examples are various traditional literatures, like the Mayazedi inscription, the oldest surviving stone inscription, and the Jataka tales, a voluminous body of literature native to India concerning the previous births of Gautama Buddha.

Traditional cultures that have been influenced by Buddhism have been around until today. Music like Burmese Saing Saya Kyaw Kyaw Naing has made more widely known in the West. Dances like yodaya aka, a Thai-influenced dance, retains its unique qualities that distinguish it from other regional styles.

Ancient tradition and modern culture can coexist. It improves Burmese lifestyle and tradition in all aspects.

Activity 21: The F’s (Freedom, Fight for Freedom)
·         Identify each word
o   Spire
§  Conical structure
o   Saffron
§  Reddish Spice
o   Callousness
§  Cruelty
o   Stillness
§  undisturbed movement
o   Serene
§  Peaceful
o   Finery
§  expensive or ostentatious clothes or decoration
o   Fiercer
§  Quick tempered


Activity 23: Character Revelation Figure
Analyze the characters from the story “The Country’s Good Son”.
·         The Characters
o   The soldiers
§  They showed courage and happiness. They will to fight for their country’s freedom by telling their story to Lin Aung with optimism.
o   Lin Aung
§  Felt respect for the soldiers and hoped to contribute to his country like them.
o   The story reveals about the will of Burmese people to fight for their freedom while maintaining a positive outlook

Activity 24: Frequency Word List
Find the meaning of each word and phrase.
·         1.
o   Sad
§  Gloomy
o   Offered to sacrifice one’s own life
§  Would fight gladly, would die gladly
o   To lose a leg
§  To die for freedom
·         2.
o   Very different
§  Contrast
o   Burden
§  Problem
o   Respect
§  Admiration
·         3.
o   Honor
§  Praise, salute
o   Good sons
§  Heroes, patriots

Activity 26: PS at your fingertips

Summarize the story, “The Country’s Good Son”.

“The Country’s Good Son” is a story about a boy who sells slippers and meets two soldiers who explained about their pride in defending their country’s freedom. 

     The story starts out when Lin Aung helped his mother sell the slippers in their shop, one busy Sunday. A soldier then came to Lin Aung to buy one slipper, the left side. Lin Aung became curious of why the soldier wanted only one slipper. The soldier told the boy that he will look for a partner so the two slippers will be bought. Lin Aung saw the soldier walking away, limping. So the young man came back with another soldier, whose left leg was lost. Lin Aung then realized that the first soldier had lost his right leg and his partner has a missing left leg. 

    The soldiers told Lin Aung of how proud they are for losing their legs because it was worth defending their country. Lin Aung felt respect for the soldiers as he gave them the slippers. 

     After the soldiers left, Lin Aung wanted to contribute to his country like the soldiers that spoke to him.

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