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K12 Grade 8 Health

FAMILY HEALTH I – 1st Quarter

Things to do today, April 28, 2015

1. Read the Introduction

2. Answer the Pre-Assessment Test
3. Read Lesson 1 "Gender and Human Sexuality" pages 7-9
4. Write down notes



- Sexual health is a crucial part of your personality. It enhances your decision making skills to sexually related concerns.

- Knowledge of Sexually Transmitted Infections (S.T.I's) like H.I.V/A.I.D.S as link to gender and human sexuality issues.

I. Gender and Human Sexuality

Basic terms in sexuality

  • Pre Assessment[A.]
  • Sexuality is the totality of one's personality.
  • Sexuality is a vital component of ones attitude towards self and others.
  • Knowledge of Sexually Transmitted Infections (S.T.I's)  like Human Immunodeficiency Virus (H.I.V) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (A.I.D.S) as link to gender and human sexuality issues is partly significant to for one's sexuality.
  • Knowledge of gender and human sexuality is significant of enhancing one's relationship.
  • Good decision-making skill is essential in meaning and sexuality issues.
  • Sexuality means you have to be aware of yourself better.
  • 06.01.15
  • Pre - Assessment[B]
    • Teaching is a job for women.
      • Disagreed: Because teaching isn't just for women, because males could also teach other people. If one can do anything, then anyone can do anything.
    • Men have no right to cry in public.
      • Disagreed: No one said that men have no right to cry in public.
    • Both men and women can be police officers.
      • Agreed: Anyone can be police officers because men and women are equal in doing work.
    • It is the responsibility of both parents to take care of their children.
      • Agreed: Both parents should have the responsibility to take care of their children to carve their children's future better.
    • Both  the father and  the  mother  should  share  in meeting the financial needs of the family.
          • Agreed: Both parents should the meeting of financial family needs in order to have a comfortable financial life for their children.


Sexuality defines a man and a woman based on biological characteristics.

Gender defines a man and a woman based on social and cultural characteristics.

Society considers appropriate activities for men and women known as gender role.

It is important to understand human sexuality to build a relationship towards self and others.

Good decision characterizes thoughtful consideration and consequence.



- Sexuality is a healthy and natural part of life. It's everything about being male and female. It's the most important aspect is masculine and feminine identification. Sexuality involves name given, toys played with, clothes worn and friends played with, The roles and responsibilities at home, and provides a sense of self-worth and sexual understanding is positive.

- Sex is a major aspect of personality. It is related to emotional and social development and can be best understood by connecting it to family and society. The process of sexual development begins at birth to adulthood thus it is a continuous developmental process throughout life. The purpose of effective sexuality education is to promote wholesome family and interpersonal relationships. It provides you the knowledge and skills to establish and practice healthful behaviors.


June 8,2015

Sexuality means you have to be aware of yourself better.  As
you  grow older, you will experience a range of social, emotional, and physical changes. As these occur, you need an intensive knowledge on how to deal with your attitudes and behaviour.

Healthy sexuality means taking high sense of responsibility for all your actions since this can affect self-esteem, decision-making, and behavior
Sexuality refers to your perceptions, feelings, and
behaviors towards others. The way you see yourself is influenced by many people. It is important to maintain good relationships with  others. They will support you and give you confidence, provide  companionship and will keep you from being lonely.

Healthy sexuality encompasses the following characteristics:

    • Your acceptance of yourself
    • Your understanding of your feelings and your character
    • Your awareness of the things that you can do
    • your regard for yourself as a worthwhile person. 
Gender and Human Sexuality:
  • Being a man or woman play different roles and refers to masculinity and femininity. Men and women think differently but equally, men may tend to think that they think higher but socially they only think equally with women. You will also feel casual if you are near someone with the same or opposite gender as yours.
  • Gender is a social concept on how men and women should  think, feel, and act. It refers to a persons’ role and behavior as defined by society.Human sexuality is the quality of being male or female.
  • Each individual have different personalities which affect their social life.
How Gender and Human sexuality affects your life as a teenager:
  • Gender and human sexuality affects your life as a teenager by two issues. These concepts have some of the greatest impact on how to deal yourself with other people especially the opposite gender. Sexual feelings are normal and healthy and as a teen, you will feel a heightened desire to explore your sexuality. These are considered normal and healthy if you keep in mind that sexuality encompasses the whole being and managing sexuality-related issues and should be founded by respect for self and others.

Health attitudes that influence sexual behavior:
  • SELF
    • appreciates own body
    • takes responsibility for own behaviours  
    • knowledgeable about sexuality issues
    • communicates effectively with family
    • able to express love to your family members 
    •  perform your duties and responsibilities at home
  •  PEERS
    • express love and intimacy  in appropriate ways have the skills to evaluate readiness for mature relationship
    • interact with both genders in appropriate and respectful ways respect both gender in all aspects.
Definition of terms: 
  • Sex – centered on the biological basis of being a male or female.
  • Gender – is a social concept on how men and women should think, feel, and act. It refers to femininity or masculinity of a
    person’s role and behaviour.
  • Gender  Equality – permits man and woman equal enjoyment of human rights.
  • Gender Role - refers to set of roles, characteristics, and expectations of how a man or woman should feel, think, and act
    as influenced by parents, peers, and society.
  • Sexuality – is an integral part of what we do and who we are; it is the way in which we experience and express ourselves as sexual beings. It is the total expression of an individual’s self-concept.
Activity 5 - Gender Assumptions
  • giving birth 
    • Female(♀)
  • making a living
    • Male/Female(♂/♀)
  • fixing the broken faucet
    • Male/Female(♂/♀)
  • doing household chores.
    • Male/Female(♂/♀)
  • helping the children with their homework.
    • Male/Female(♂/♀)

Activity 6:

Write the changes that you expect as you mature from a boy/girl  to a man/woman:

Boy/ Girl -> Man/ Woman

Playful   -> Responsible
Immature  -> Mature
Younger   -> Older

Gender Role is often an outward expression of gender
identity. It is manifested with in society by observable
factors such as behaviour and appearance. Your gender
role demonstrates the typical characteristics of a person in
his or her behaviour. Sexual Behaviour Standards are behaviours that have come to be accepted by society. Social and cultural norms are some of the factors which influence gender roles. The aim of education for human sexuality is to develop in a boy the
characteristics of the personality belonging to his sex, and in a girl the characteristic of her own sex, thus turning a boy into a mature man and a girl into a mature woman.


Society Says
In your activity notebook, write words or phrases that you  associate with the words masculine and feminine.  

  • Example:
  • Masculine:
    • Breadwinner
  • Feminine
    • Babysitter
Using Life Skills to Improve Sexual Health
The life skills that are mentioned below will give you the tools to deal with problems both big and small.
  • Assessing your health
    • means evaluating your well-being periodically.
      This includes your sexuality. Figure out what you  can do to improve your health if it is not as good as it can be.
  • Making Good Decisions
    • Making choices that are healthy and
      responsible. You must have the courage to make  difficult decisions and stick to them.
  • Communicating Effectively
    • Communication skills help you avoid misunderstanding by  expressing your feelings in a healthy way. This
      means if you listen to what people say, they will want
      to listen to you as well.
  • Practicing Wellness
    • can be accomplished through information about
      good sexuality.
  • Setting Goals
    • Means aiming for something that will give you
      a sense of accomplishment. Just be sure to
      be realistic with your goal.
  • Using Refusal Skills
    • is a way to say no to something that you don't want to
      do. This skill requires practice. But first, you must feel strongly about what things you want to avoid.
  • Evaluating Media Messages
    • Is being able to judge the worth of media messages. It is a big challenge knowing that most  media  messages are very convincing.

A decision is a choice you make and act upon. A good
decision is a resolution in which you have carefully considered the outcome of each choice. To accept personal responsibility is to accept how your decisions may affect you and others. Decision-making skills will help you make decisions based on your needs and desires. At the same time, it helps you to resist peer pressure Decision-making skills must be practiced and exercised in resolving issues about
human sexuality, At the end, you have to understand gender and sexuality with a lesson in decision-making.

Image result for decide


The Six Steps of  Decision Making

  • Determine the problem
  • Explore the alternatives 
  • Consider the consequences 
  • Identify your values 
  • Decide 
  • Evaluate
Your decisions affect your sexual behaviors that also affects others. These behaviors may be towards yourself, your family, friends or other people. Therefore, your decisions should be guided by your family for social and spiritual guidance and should be based on decision making steps or procedures.

Activity 9 - Making Good Decisions

In your activity notebook, label the page with the letters
DECIDE vertically. Use the six steps in decision making in going through this activity.

  1. Your classmates are going to a party this weekend, this is the
    first time that you are asked to attend by a friend but then you discern that your parents will not approve it. You don't want to make your friends angry by not going, but you also  don't want to get in trouble with your parents. Determine what decision you should make.
    • Determine the problem
      • The problem is that you want to go to the party but you think your parents won't let you. But at at the same time, your friends would be angry if you don't want to go.
    • Explore the alternatives: Alternative ways
      • Party with your friends even if your in your house via social networking sites like facebook.
      • Explain why can't go to the party to your friend.
      • Explain why you want go to the party to your parents  
    • Consider the consequences 
      • If you go to the party without parental permission, you'll be punished by your parents or such.
      • If you don't go to the party, your friends will be angry at you.
    • Identify your values
      • Not going to the party:
        • You'll be obedient to your parents.
      • Going to the party:
        • You'll be good to your friends
    • Decide  
      • Neither,you can just party in your house using your computer and Facebook your friends.
    • Evaluate
      • The result: I got into the party, in my house. Friends will just start using computers in parties anyway. 

Activity 10

A decision is a choice you make or act upon. A good decision is a decision in which you have carefully considered the outcome of  each choice. To accept personal responsibility is to accept how your decisions may affect you and other people. Decision-making skills will help you make decisions based on your needs and  desires. At the same time, it helps you to resist peer pressure Decision-making skills must be practiced and  exercised  in  resolving issues and concerns about sexuality. At the end, you have to understand gender and human sexuality with a lesson in decision-making.


Activity 11

Dealing with people:

 We all encounter people in our lives. Some of them may be nice, mean, serious, or a total jerk. Here are some descriptions of different people and some ways to deal with them. Positively.

  • Show off: The people who would like to be the center of attention.
    • Sometimes, people showing off can look like total jerks. So how do you deal with them without hurting their feelings? Well, it's okay to be at the center of attention as long as it's worth something. But dealing with show offs aren't really that hard, you just have to tell them not "show off" frequently. Frequently being the center of attention will end them up being disrespected and turn them into clowns. It may be okay to show off sometimes but it doesn't have to be every time.   
  • Worriers: People who worry about everything.
    • Worry here, worry there, worried about something, worried about someone. Everyone could be worried about someone or something but not everyone or everything. Worrying every time about everything is bad and it will make you suffer high anxiety or extreme panicking. Dealing with worriers can be hard at first but if you tell them that something or someone they worry are safe and could take care of themselves. Tell them that it's okay to worry but not too much, they should sometimes think about what's happening to their own life now instead of others. Trick question: What if they are worried that they are always worrying? 
  • Gossipers: People who spread exaggerated rumors.
    • "I have a secret to tell you, do you know that our teacher is an alien from space?" You probably heard exaggerated information like the one mentioned above which is obviously not real. A gossip is a casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true. Gossips are reputation-threatening and life-destroying, these annoying reports are told by gossipers. Of course, stopping a gossiper is hard since they're multiple people spreading like an infection or something. Probably the best way to stop it if you're not the one being gossiped is to shut up and maybe other people would also keep their mouths shut and stop the gossip. Well, this could be applied if you're the one being talked about or you can talk to your gossiping friends and tell them that gossiping destroys lives and reputation of other people. Their reports may be true or not, they have no right or evidence to talk exaggerated information about other people.
  • Bullies: People who tend to threaten other people.
    • Internet or in the real world, bullies are everywhere and they look like viruses that cannot be stopped. It seems that positive talking won't work for you so you will decide to punch them in the face. Punching or talking isn't the cure to being bullied, it only holds them off. The best way of not being bullied is to prevent it from happening. Either in internet or in the real world, the best way to not being bullied is to keep a low profile. That way you don't have to show off or act nerdy to have friends since they result having you bullied by them. When you're being bullied, you still could try positive talk to make the bully join you, then you keep a low profile.
  • Whiners: People who complain about everything.
    • "I hate cars, I hate this food, I hate everything!" Complains, complains, complains. How do you deal with whiners who complain? Well, you can tell them that if they complain about something tell them that no matter how much they complain, things don't change the way they want to be. Tell them that if they want something, they have to work for it because the mouth can't do anything without action.

Activity 12
Represent a characteristic of a

healthy sexuality.

List your specific behaviors

on each component.

  • Express your sexuality by displaying good behavior towards people. Develop your sexuality by having good friends towards people.
  • Respect yourself by showing integrity and avoid negative behaviors/influences. You can develop self respect if you give respect.
  • Make yourself happy by doing positive things to yourself and other people. Achieve your happiness by having positive attitude and showing positive skills.
  • Express yourself by showing your own positive behavior/attitude. Having positive social skills can help you express yourself
  • Have self-confidence by applying your positive skills, integrity and social attitude. Gain self confidence by being positive yourself. 

Activity 14:

Reflect the from the story "Love in Action" by Teofilo Guiang Jr.

"Love in Action" by Teofilo Guiang Jr.(Essay)


   Have you ever spent time with a loved one? Were there times where you can't spend your time with them resulting them to think that you don't love them? This essay I wrote will tell you about a story of a man who spent little time with his mom and only spent most of his time when his mom regained consciousness from a comatose and told his son that he doesn't love her.

   In this story you can tell that there are some people who love their parents but don't visit them because of the jobs they have. Parents sometimes feel that their son's/daughters don't love them even if they do since their sons/daughters will just send them money for their needs and don't visit them. But parents still need to understand that sometimes, their sons/daughters can't visit them even if they want to. And sons/daughters also have to understand that money is just a tool that will buy your needs and yes, it is important but they also have to balance their time in spending time for their parents.
   In the story, the son should've spent some time with his mom to express his love for her. Both love and money are important and none of them is higher than the other because they're both equal. So in the story equally spending time and money is the action for you to show your love to a loved one.


Activity 15: Role Play

To better analyze your factors that affect the attitude and practices related to human sexuality. You are going to analyze each given character.

Assume the roles of each character
  • One who grew up in a religious family
    • One can have a good relationship to himself and others. Has a good attitude and social skills and can avoid negative peer pressure.
  • One who is raised by authoritative parents.
    • Shows obedience to their parents, can avoid negative negative peer pressure and has good social skills.
  • One who is strongly influenced by media.
    • Had good social skills, always "updated" to the world, may become negative because of peer/media influence. 
  • One who has good friends to the opposite gender.
    • Has good social skills and behavior.
Activity 16: 
 For each factor, list how many factors affect your attitudes and behavior.
  1. Family:
    1. Family values determine your own values. They teach you about it's importance and how you apply them.
  2. Culture:
    1. Cultural values teach you about standards set by society and how you apply them.
  3. Peers:
    1. They bring significant views on your behavior.
  4. Media:
    1. Influences your behavior to society.

Activity 17: Analyze Media message

Think of a commercial and write how men and women are portrayed. Then respond to the questions below:
  • Question: How did the commercial portray men and women?
    • Ex. Response: Men and Women are equal in many ways.
  • Question: Is the commercial information accurate?
    • Ex. Response: Most likely, many commercials portray gender equality.
  • Question: What is the commercial about?
    • Ex. Response: About a new school promoting to enroll students.
Double Standard Morality
 Boys and girls are given the impression of men being superior than women. In as much as we want to practice gender equality, there are still rules about human appropriateness that aren't alike for different genders.

  1. Boys/men are allowed to go out of the house up to a later time than girls/women.
  2. A philandering man is considered as someone demonstrating his manliness. While a philandering woman is considered as someone cheap and bad.
  3. Women are expected to remain virginal until they marry, while it is generally acceptable for men to have sexual experience before marriage.
Activity 18:
  • Virginity
    • A virgin is someone who did not have sexual interaction.
Staying a Virgin keeps you:
  • Physically free from:
    • Pregnancy
    • Venereal diseases
    • hurry-up marriage
  • Emotionally free from:
    • Doubt/guilt
    • loss of reputation
  • Socially free:
    • To develop many relationships

Values are strong beliefs held by families or group of people about important issues. It is essential to know one’s own values, beliefs and attitudes, how they influence on the rights of others and how to stand up for them. As you mature, you develop your own values which may be different from one another. Social norms and standards can affect your sexual decision making, as it influences values and behavior.
Activity 21 - What Do You Value?
Values are qualities or conditions that are important to a person. Complete this survey by determining what you value in yourself. In your activity notebook, tick on the appropriate box based on the importance you assign to each attribute.
Very important
Less Important
To be respected by my parents.
Very important

To be respected by my friends.
Very important

To have a positive image of myself.
Very important

To have lots of friends

Very important

To do well in school.
Very important

To give and receive love.
Very important

To stay virgin until marriage.
Very important

To build healthy relationships with members of both sexes.
Very important

To appreciate sexuality as factor of personality.
Very important

To make intelligent decisions concerning sexual behavior.
Very important

Sex role
Your sex role should not limit your interests. You can be masculine and feminine and participate in events and professions that are usually chosen by persons of only one sex. Healthful sexuality is being comfortable and contented with your attitudes about your sex role.
Activity 22 - Visualize and Learn!
1.  Close your eyes and imagine a scenario in the past where kings and queens once lived. Imagine you are the king (if male) or queen (if female). The queen is captured and needs rescuing from her captors. The king assumes the conventional role of a brave king who rescues his queen, while the queen takes on the role of a meek and mild queen who needs looking after.
a.  This imagination shows that it doesn’t conform to the society norm today.
2.  Visualize a scenario of a typical Filipino family. Analyze and enumerate the roles being played by the male members of the family (grandfather, father, male siblings) and the female members of the family (grandmother, mother, female siblings).
a.  This imagination shows that it conforms to the society norm today.
Activity 23: Critical thinking
Write your personal views about some current issues that focus on sexuality, gender equality, and sexual orientation.
Chosen Issue: Cybercrime
Almost everything is involved in the internet. Internet games, internet encyclopedias, internet chatting, and yes, even crime is involved in the internet.

Cybercrime is a method of committing crime using the internet. It commonly involves cyber-bullying, hacking, and sexual harassment.

Cyber-bullying is common in cybercrime. It is a way of attacking people by posting rude comments in social media and other websites. Hacking is a method of illegally accessing someone’s computer and uses it for bad reasons. Even sexual harassment is also done online. It involves in influencing people to be involved in illegal sites that contains crimes related to sexuality.

Those are some of the methods in cybercrime. They cannot be stopped yet, they can be avoided. For me, methods of avoiding cybercrimes are: not showing things to people you don’t have any trusted relationship with, not giving any credentials about your personal online belongings like usernames and passwords, and avoiding sites that promote crimes and violence.

Cybercrime is illegal (obviously), and anyone who is caught doing so will be punished by law. Cybercrime is an act of committing crimes online. They can’t be stopped but they could be avoided.


Lesson 2: Issues and Problems Related to Human Sexuality

Sexually transmitted infection (STI) is a communicable disease that is passed from person to person through sexual contact. Despite the efforts of the government and civil society, the incidence of STI’s continued to increase thus it poses a threat to young people. According to the Department of Health’s Philippine HIV and AIDS Registry, we have already exceeded the mark of 10 thousand HIV-infected.

Symptoms of STI’s depend on the type of infections. Common symptoms include discharge from the genitals, warts, blisters or sores in the genital area, a rash, painful urination, or flu- like symptoms. Some STIs don’t have any signs or symptoms. In fact one of every 10 people can have STIs but be asymptomatic. These people are carriers and are very dangerous because they can transmit an infection without even knowing it. The only certain way to prevent/to keep from catching these diseases is by abstinence. Sexual abstinence is the deliberate choice to refrain from all sexual activity.

Sexually transmitted infection is a fatal disease with no effective treatment or known cure. It is the final stage of infection caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). When HIV enters the body it attacks the body’s immune system. Thus, the body becomes vulnerable to opportunistic infections or diseases that develop when the body’s defense system becomes weak. Among these infections are Kaposi’s sarcoma, a rare but deadly type of skin cancer, recurrent pneumonia, and toxoplasmosis within the brain. Early symptoms of infection with HIV may include a rash, sore throat, fever, and tiredness. Nearly everyone with HIV develops AIDS. People with AIDS cannot fight off diseases that healthy people could easily resist. Because AIDS has no cure, people with AIDS eventually die from one of these diseases

RA 7719 or the Blood Services act of 1994.
This law protects and promotes public health through provisions related to blood donation. The government promotes voluntary blood donation as a humanitarian act. 

However, there are requirements that you need to meet if you want to donate blood. This is to ensure a clean and safe blood supply. Thus, you need to live a healthy lifestyle in order for you to be a voluntary blood donor in the future. To protect you from blood transfusion transmissible diseases like HIV/AIDS, this law lays down the legal principle that the provision of blood for transfusion is a professional medical service and not a sale of a commodity. 

They establish scientific and professional standards for the operation of blood collection units and blood banks/centers in the Philippines. People don’t have to sell blood as a commodity. To be a responsible voluntary donor you donate the blood for a cause through medical and scientific care.

Republic Act 8504 also known as the Philippine Aids Law The Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998 or RA 8504 is the government’s response to the threat of HIV/AIDS in the country. Important provisions of the law include the following:
·         The State shall promote public awareness about HIV/AIDS through various modalities: integration in the curriculum or development of special modules in basic education; inclusion in tertiary and vocational curriculum; providing education in the workplace, for Filipinos going abroad and among community people in general.
·         The State shall also ensure safe practices and procedures regarding donation of blood, organ or tissue.
·         The State shall provide a mechanism for anonymous HIV testing and shall guarantee anonymity and medical confidentiality in the conduct of such tests.

·         The Philippine National AIDS Council (PNAC) shall oversee an integrated and comprehensive approach to HIV/AIDS prevention and control in the Philippines.

Courtship, Dating, and Marriage
 Family is considered a place where you can be yourself. It is a place where you are accepted for what you are. This is where you are completely tension free and everyone is there to help you.

  Family encourages you when you are surrounded by problems. It helps you survive through tough times and brings joy and happiness into your life. Today, most people don’t realize the importance of family; they prefer to spend most of their time with their friends. 
  But when they are surrounded by problems, it is their family that helps solves them. At the time when even our best friends refuse to help us, it is our family that will help us. So it is very important for each and every individual to give importance to his/her family above anything else and enjoy spending time with family members.

 Love and Infatuation

Love and Infatuation are both intense emotions that one feels for another person. These feelings are most often confused for each other by many people. But the two feelings differ in their actuality of love, intensity, and final outcome.

 Infatuation or crush is the state of being completely carried away by unreasoning passion or love; addictive love. Infatuation usually occurs at the beginning of relationships when sexual attraction is central. Love can be described as a feeling of intense affection for another person. It is most often talked about as an emotion between two persons.

Courtship is the period in a couple's relationship which precedes their engagement and marriage or it is an establishment of an agreed relationship of a more enduring kind. During courtship a couple gets to know each other and decide if there will be an engagement or such agreement. A courtship may be an informal and private matter between two people or may be a public affair or a formal arrangement with family approval. 


Why is it important for couples to undergo a courtship?
It gives one a chance and time to get to know better the character and background of one’s future lifetime partner.
1.  Courting gives time to understand one another.
2.  It reveals one’s interests, likes and dislikes limitations, and other aspirations in life.
3.  It allows couples to decide whether they want to be committed.
4.  It allows couples to know if they are ready to be committed.
5.  It develops security.
6.  It develops understanding and acceptance.

Showing Affection
Whether or not you are dating, there are many healthy ways for persons to show affection which may lead to courtship between persons, especially of the opposite sex who are physically and emotionally attracted with one another. It is an important part of being close friends to build trust and confidence with one another.

·         is a social activity which involves two or more people generally assessing each other’s suitability for a potential relationship. Dating can also be enjoyed as part of an already active relationship. The word dating actually comes from the arranging of a time and date of meeting.
·         is a form of courtship consisting of social activities done by two people, as partner in an intimate relationship or as a spouse.

·         it refers to the act of meeting and engaging in some mutually agreed upon social activity, together, as a couple


Attraction is admiration for someone that may include the desire to get to know that person better. Attraction usually takes place in the form of infatuation or crush. Infatuation is admiration for someone while not recognizing that person’s flaws.

Crushes usually last for only a short time, few weeks or maybe a few months. These feelings are completely normal and are part of becoming a young adult. Most people begin to form romantic relationships based on love. Love is deep affection for someone and is based on a true desire for the other person’s best interests.
In a healthy relationship, the other person shares and responds with the same kind of love. Learning to develop, nurture and even deal with the loss of these relationships are important ways to prepare for adult relationships.

Courtship Practices at the Age of Technology
·         A suitor can court a woman through the use of cellphones. Frequent texting and calling one another develop their feeling of belongingness until such feeling develops into a deeper relationship resulting to love.
·         A man can court a woman through Facebook, Twitter, Skype or other social networking sites.

Why is it important for couples to undergo a courtship?
·         Courting gives time to understand one another.
·         It reveals one’s interests, likes and dislikes limitations, and other aspirations in life.
·         It allows couples to decide whether they want to be committed.
·         It allows couples to know if they are ready to be committed.
·         It develops security.
·         It develops understanding and acceptance.